Know Your Neighbor Friday!!! “隣の晩御飯”


In this, our inaugural edition of Know your Neighbors, we like to introduce to one of the figures in the development of indies bands in Tokyo, Junichi Kishimoto. While many of you may know him as the manager of Shibuya’s O-Nest, we thought we’d ask him a couple of random questions to get a closer look:

Q: 初めて行ったコンサートは? A: チェッカーズ
Q: What was the first concert you ever went to? A: Checkers

Q: ずばり2007年のベスト・アルバムは? A: In Our Nature ―Jose Gonzalez
Q: What has been your favorite album of 2007? A: In Our Nature ―Jose Gonzalez

Q: 子供の頃に夢見た職業は? A: バスの運転手
Q: What did you want to be when you were a kid? A: A busdriver

Q: 一番お気に入りのギター・ソロは? A: Bring it on Homeでの ジミー・ペイジJimmy Page)のソロ
Q: What do you think is the best guitar solo ever? A: Jimmy Page’s solo on Bring it on Home

Q: もっと評価されるべき日本人ミュージシャンは? A: 長谷川 健一
Q: Who is the most underrated musician in Japan? A: Hasegawa Kenichi

Q: 会ってみたい人は? A: ボノ(Bono) なんてったってU2が好きだから
Q: Who would you like to meet? Bono, because I am a big fan of U2

Q: 芸能人でデートに誘ってみたい人は? A: 深津 絵里
Q: Which star would you like to date? A: Fukatsu Eri

Q: 来年(2008)、O-Nest ファンに期待していて欲しいことは? A: 友達とか、イベントとか、ミュージシャンとかの新しい出会い
Q: What can fans of O-nest look forward to next year? Fans can look forward to great shows with the latest up and coming artists, and good times with good friends!!