Monday Mix!!

Monday Mix 創刊号!月曜の憂鬱に浸ってる?そんなあなたの日々の生活に潤いと生気を与える面白いビデオなんかをご紹介。“Take it easy!” な感じで毎日いこうぜ!今週は個人的にも大好きなアンダーグラウンド・ヒップホップ・アーティスト、 Busdiverから一曲“Casting Agents and Cowgirls video”。そしてもう一本は驚愕のアコーディオン技!!堪能あれ!

※これは!なビデオ、曲があれば へご一報!

Hey everyone! Welcome to the first installment of the Monday Mix. As we promised before, we’ll help you get over the Monday blues by finding some interesting videos or whatever we can find that we think might make life a little easier. This week we present you with the video for one of our favorite songs by underground hiphop artist Busdiver—Casting Agents and Cowgirls—and with a video of a dude with crazy accordion skills. We hope you enjoy!

(If you guys have any videos or songs you think we should share, please send us a link at