Food Friday/Potohar(パトワール)--吉祥寺



料理:3.5 / 5

価格:5/ 5

サービス:5 /5

雰囲気:4/ 5



Before coming to Japan, I, like many of my fellow Americans, simply figured it to be an isle fueled by ramen, sushi and a slew of clever rice-derived creations. Seven years later, I now know that while the above are ubiquitous and loved they are not the only culinary passions of my adopted brethren. It turns out that one of the most important staples of Japanese cooking went completely unaccounted for by my initial forecasts—curry. The great thing about Japan though is that, despite having its own unique take on curry, the country is not without diversity. Indian and Thai varieties are also prolific. Somewhat overshadowed though by the big three though is Pakistani curry. With this in mind I present Potohar. Though named for the eponymous plateau in the Punjab region of Pakistan, one only has to go as far as Kichijoji (located across from the Sony plaza in Sun Road) to take advantage of their fantastic lunch values.

Food: 3.5 / 5
I have found everything I’ve had here very enjoyable and have yet to find any major complaint. The food is not fancy, but neither are the prices. Their \1050 lunch special offers unlimited portions of four curries (dal, mutton, chicken and vegetable), all-you-can-eat nahn and rice, and all-you-can-drink lassies and tea. I personally recommend you ask for a mix of half chicken curry and half vegetable curry. Simple and sublime.

Value: 5/ 5
The glory of life exists in its simple pleasures. Unlimited curry, lassies and nahn for \1050 yen!? Glorious indeed. Seconds, please!

Service: 5 /5
Impeccable. They somehow manage to always ask me if I want more before I can tell them I do. For an all-you-can-eat establishment, such continuous encouragement to eat more is rare, but welcome. Also, as most seats are located around the island where all the cooks are, it is super easy to get their attention and get whatever you need.

Atmosphere: 4/ 5
Simple, yet as that is what I think they are striving for, I can’t hold it against them. Plus, as I mentioned it is easy to interact with the cooks and staff, which is always a good thing.

If you want to check out some pictures and learn a little more, follow this link:

Enjoy, y’all!


(J'like it? For complete info on the live indies scene in Japan, check out):