Monday Mix--Mute Math and Japan Pics

まず最初は、Telepopmusik Softwareによる、2400枚にもおよぶ日本の風景を合成した素晴しいビデオ。知ってる風景がいくつあるかな?

First up we have a great video montage of 2400 pictures of Japan set to Breathe by Telepopmusik Software. How many of these places do you recognize?

次は、ミュートマス(Mute Math)が逆送り(逆再生!)で"Typical"を熱演!!どうやったんだか想像もつかないが、とにかくマストの映像!!

Next we have Mute Math doing their song "Typical" backwards...LIVE! No idea how they do this, but you'll definitely want to check it out!


(J'like it? For complete info on the live indies scene in Japan, check out):