CD Review--Sons and Daughters/ This Gift

This Gift

スコットランド出身の”Sons and Daughters”最新作、”This Gift”。 KasabianやFratellis のファンなら確実に気に入る、とんでもなくキャッチーで聞き手を楽しませてくれる曲ばかり。初めて聴く曲にも関わらず、“生まれてこのかたずーっと慣れ親しんできた大好きな曲”のような錯覚に陥る、そんなアルバムだ。とは言っても、悪い意味や模倣的だという意味ではない。むしろ、彼らの曲は時限を超越し、僕らの深く、ユングが提唱した集合的無意識とやらに話しかけるかのようだ。言ってみれば、ミュージカル・デジャヴ。クリスタル療法やチャクラの整列なんて神秘的なものに嫌気がさす人には、もっと算術的/現実的な表現の方がわかりやすいのかもしれない。

Sons and Daughters = (Kasabianのバッキング・メロディー + クラシック Nancy Sinaltra & Gwen Stefani ヴォーカル + 飽きのこない卓越したソングライティングぶり) * 2



This Gift―the latest from Scotland’s own Sons and Daughters―is an extremely catchy and entertaining collection of songs that fans of Kasabian and the Fratellis will definitely want to check out. It is the kind of album where even when you are listening to the songs for the first time you get the feeling that you've known and loved them your whole life―but not in a negative or derivative way. Rather, it’s as if the songs are able to transcend time and speak to our deeper collective Jungian unconscious. Musical déjà vu, if you will. But, for those of you weary of healing crystals and harmoniously chakra alignment perhaps a mathematical explanation is simpler:

Sons and Daughters = (Kasabian’s backing melodies + Classic Nancy Sinaltra & Gwen Stefani vocals + A clever penchant for writing songs that you just can’t get sick of) * 2

The album will be released in Japan in early March so you won't want to miss it. Though you already knew that...

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